Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Vatican cyclical condemning youths' "social uselessness" suppressed

A Vatican cyclical thought to offer the new pope's views (and that of his council) on the issue of youths in society has allegedly been suppressed by Vatican higher-ups fearful of the response it might provoke from secular world leaders and liberal media.

The cyclical, an estimated 30,000 words in length, is believed to argue that today's society is becoming too tolerant of youths and is dangerously close to treating them as social equals. The document inveighs against those who support the "so-called `youth' culture" and warns of the danger of promoting it as an alternative viable lifestyle.

This unprecedented Vatican parry against a sizeable sector of society has apparently been motivated by alarm within the Holy See at the increasingly high profile of youths in western society since the second world war. The Vatican is believed to be worried about the evergrowing number of youth pursuits aimed at nothing more than providing pleasure for non-adults. One section of the suppressed article lists off "worrying pursuits" such as, skateboarding, free-ride, urban freestyle, urban free-ride, biketrial, and online gaming, as well as "alarming tendencies". One example given of these latter was so-called "boy youth"'s habits of wearing trousers below their hips and thus leaving exposed their underwear. It goes on to express shock that "girl youths" are beginning to imitate this tendency - proof, in the Vatican's eyes, of the morally corrupt nature of all youth on the one hand, and a complete lack of personal will on the part of the female ones on the other.

The document condemns the "social uselessness" of all of the above pursuits and tendencies. Sources who have read the paper say that it harks back to days when youth was something that society actively discouraged and managed to keep in check. 19th century industrial society's placing of youth in factories and coalmines as well as society-in-general's age long habit of sending youths to their deaths in war are two examples given by the authors of what they believe were correct attempts on the part of society to make youth "socially useful".

The document goes on to say that youth will not be accepted into Catholic semenaries because of a lack of what it calls "affective maturity". Such an attitude on the part of the Vatican today is in stark contrast with that held in former times when youth made up 99% of the influx into semanaries. Anticipating reaction to this change of position, the document argues that in the past the Vatican had attempted to adopt a Christian attitude to youth, and aid society in its job of making them socially useful by taking them under its wing and reforming them. It points out that it was not alone in such an endeavour as organisations such as the Boy Scouts and the Nazi Youth were set up for more or less the same purpose. It laments that over the last 50 years youth has proven its inherent unsuitability to clerical life and relinquished any claims it might have made to being considered as a social equal to adulthood. For overwhelming support for the belief on the part of the Vatican that youth is irredeemably corrupt, the document argues, one need look no further than the huge number of clerical abuse scandals that have come to light in recent years. The authors of the document state that the "disgusting, unspeakable, and shameful" abuse at the hands of children suffered by thousands of innocent Catholic priests throughout the world is justification enough for Rome's new departure on the subject of this social sector.

This writer could not manage to obtain any comment on the suppressed cyclical from leaders of Catholic Youth organisations, which, like Catholic Gay organisations, are clearly fighting an uphill battle for acceptance in the eyes of today's Vatican.


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